发布日期:2025-01-04 12:09 点击次数:87
The German Chancellor Fellowship德国总理奖学金The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation's German Chancellor Fellowship provides the opportunity for young leaders from the U.S., Russia, China, Brazil and India to pursue a self-designed project during one year in Germany. The fellowship seeks prospective thought leaders from a broad range of professional fields such as politics, public administration, law, business and the arts. Fellows are mentored by a host that fellows have to select themselves before applying. In addition to a generous stipend and mobility allowance, fellows are provided a language scholarship for a two-month intensive language course in Germany. Also, fellows participate in a two-week study tour of Germany, the Foundation’s annual meeting with a reception held by the Federal President, and a meeting in Berlin, which includes a reception at the Federal Chancellery.洪堡基金会的德国总理奖学金为来自美国、俄罗斯、中国、巴西和印度的青年领袖提供为期一年在德国进行自选项目的机会。奖学金寻找的是具有远见卓识的行业领袖,比如政治、公共管理、法律、商业与艺术领域。获奖者在自选的接收单位接受指导。除了丰厚的津贴和差旅补贴,获奖者还可获得在德国为时两个月左右的德语强化课程,以及为期两周的德国游学活动,在基金会的年会上受到德国总统的接见,而后在柏林受到德国总理的接见。Program Length 项目时长: One year 一年Location 项目进行地: Germany 德国Degree Level 所需学历: Post UG &Graduate 历届和应届大学本科毕业生Amount 项目金额: 2,150-2,750 EUR monthly stipend+additional benefits 每月津贴2150到2750欧元+额外补贴Official Website 官方网站:www.humboldt-foundation.de/youngleaders在刚刚过去的4月28日-4月30日,来自五个国家,通过网上申请初选的候选人齐聚德国科隆,参加最终遴选,遴选会由个人面试和小组讨论部分组成,在连续两天的紧张选拔后,今年中国区获奖者得以揭晓,最终有10位候选人胜出,他们将于今年秋季赴德国开启一年的德国总理奖学金之旅。From April 28 to April 30, 2019, candidates who passed the primary selection came to Cologne in Germany to take part in the final selection. After two consecutive days of strained selection, the new German Chancellor Fellows from China were selected, and they will start their one-year fellowship starting this fall.10位获奖者背景多元10 fellows from China have diverse backgrounds今年中国十五位被邀请参加遴选会的候选人全部参加了科隆的面试,继去年之后,今年中国的获奖者再次达到10人满员。本次中国候选人背景相当多元、涉及学界、法律、金融、传媒、卫生、文化、艺术等领域,既有自主创业者,也有高校在读博士。本届获奖者的年龄跨度从25-34岁不等。由此可见,不论来自什么样的专业领域,只要获得学士学位不超过12年都可以申请,且都有获奖的机会。This year, 15 candidates from China were invited to the selection meeting in Cologne. Again, like last year, this time the number of Chinese fellows reached the limit --- 10 candidates were granted the fellowship. The fellows' fields are diverse, besides academia, they are from law, finance, media, health, culture, art and other fields, some of them are entrepreneurs, some are PhD students. The age of the fellows ranges from 25 to 34 years. Therefore, no matter which field you are from, as long as you have completed a bachelor's degree less than 12 years, then you all have the chance to win the fellowship.女性获奖者占比4/5Female accounts for 4/5今年十位获奖者中,女性占8席,男性占2席。2017年中国所有的获奖者都是女性,2018年十位获奖者中有三位男性。就近三年的情况看,女性申请者/获奖者的数量远多于男性,希望更多的中国优秀男青年踊跃参加未来的申请。This year, there are 8 women fellows and 2male fellows from China. In 2017, only female fellows were selected, and in 2018, there were three male fellows among the ten. According to the recent three years’ record, we can see that the number of female candidates/fellows is still more than that of men. It is hoped that more outstanding Chinese young men with leadership potentials will actively participate in future applications.机会难得中国青年当把握Chinese young people should seize this Great Opportunity!今年的中国区的申请者数量与往年持平,但申请数量仍为五国中最少,仍有较大提升空间。自2006年德国总理安吉拉·默克尔在首次访华期间,宣布将中国纳入总理奖学金国别考虑范畴之内后,已有百余位中国青年从中受益,增进对德国社会的切身理解。此外,基金会鼓励获奖者与其他具有政经影响力的国家(美国、俄罗斯、印度、巴西)获奖者建立跨国别、跨行业的关系网络,对于成长为未来领导者有所助益。希望更多的具有领导力潜质的中国青年能够不断追求梦想,勇敢做出改变,成为国际社会的时代弄潮儿。德国总理奖学金将是帮助拓展学术及职业深度广度的难得机遇,你的人生将因此发生积极的改变。在项目期间内,获奖者不仅能在专业领域获得与国际学者及专业人士交流学习的机会,还能结识来自各国各行业的青年才俊,构建自己的社会网络。在德国总理奖为你搭建的国际舞台上,你将有机会让世界听见你的声音,以自己的方式影响世界。The number of applicants this year has not changed much compared to recent several years’ numbers, and there remains a large potential to grow. Compared to the number of applicants from Brazil, India, United States and Russia, the number of Chinese applicants is still the lowest. Since German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced in 2006 that China will also be included into the area coverage of German Chancellor Fellowship, there have been over 100 fellows who benefited from this opportunity. What’s more, fellows are encouraged to connect with young leaders from other economically and politically influential countries (USA, Russia, India and Brazil) to establish international and interdisciplinary networks, which matters a lot in building oneself to be a future leader.Hope that more Chinese young people with leadership potentials can chase after their dreams, be brave to make changes, and grow to be the pioneer of the time in the international arena. The German Chancellor Fellowship will be a great opportunity to enhance academic and professional development in your life, and your life will be positively changed. During this fellowship, the fellows may not only get opportunities to communicate with international scholars and professionals from their own professional fields, but also have chance to get to know young talents from various industries in different countries and establish their own social networks. On the international stage set by the German Chancellor Fellowship, you will have the opportunity to make your voice heard by the world and have impact on the world in your own way.下面来认识一下本届的中国获奖者吧Now let's meet the 2019-2020 German Chancellor fellows from China王宇心来自四川,中欧大学公共政策学院公共管理硕士。目前担任某国际公共卫生项目顾问。他将研究德国在鼓励、支持、培养国际组织人才方面的经验以及其对中国的启示,希望借鉴德国的最佳实践推动更多优秀的中国人才到联合国等国际组织任职。Wang Yuxin is from Sichuan. He holds a Master's degree in Public Administration from School of Public Policy at Central European University. Currently, he works as a consultant for a global public health initiative. Through his project, he hopes to better understand Germany’s experience in cultivating, incentivizing and supporting its nationals to work at the United Nations, and how these best practices can benefit China to rectify its under-representation status quo at the United Nations.黄斐清华大学博士生,研究领域政治经济学、传播学和公共政策,关心国际发展。曾于国际组织、智库、高校进行实习或工作。她将聚焦巴黎协定后的气候变化国际治理和传播,理解中德合作之于跨越公地悲剧的重要意义。Huang Fei, PhD student from Tsinghua University, her areas of research include political economy,communications,and public policy and she cares about international development. She has multiple experiences interning and working at international organizations,think tanks and universities. Focusing on the landscape of Post-Paris Agreement Climate governance and communications, she will explore the significance of German-Chinese partnership in terms of the attempt to go beyond tragedy of commons in climate change issues.苏静来自上海,德国语言文学硕士,现就职于德国驻上海官方文化机构。曾多次在德国学习和生活的她将继续致力于推进中德的合作及交流。文化创意产业的国际化将是她在德国国家文创产业促进中心的研究课题。Su Jing is from Shanghai, and has a Master degree in German language and literature. She is now working in a German official cultural institution. She has studied and lived in several cities in Germany before, and this time she will continue to improve collaboration and exchange between China and Germany. Internationalization of the Cultural and Creative Industries will be her research topic at the Competence Center of the Cultural and Creative Industries of Germany. 姚采旻来自香港,香港中文大学法律系毕业,香港执业事务律师。一直关注人权、私隐权等议题,项目主题是研究德国数据私隐条例的推行,及其对第三方支付服务提供者的影响。希望借此能促进中德两国相关法例的交流。Yiu Choi Man is from Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, and is graduated from the faculty of law in the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is a qualified solicitor in Hong Kong. She has been focusing on issues regarding human rights and rights to privacy. The theme of her project is studying the post-GDPR regulatory framework of data protection in Germany, and its impact to third party payment service providers. She aspires to facilitate the exchange on the relevant laws between China and Germany.倪俊英来自上海,德语专业。曾就职于德国机械设备制造业联合会以及德国政党基金会——阿登纳基金会。目前从事德国行业机构研究。将赴德着手致力于中德间经济文化交流的深化。并促进两国间经贸往来。Ni Junying is from Shanghai, majoring in German. She has worked for The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) and the German Political Foundation--The Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation. Currently she is engaged in research in German industry institutions. She will go to Germany to work on the deepening of economic and cultural exchanges between China and Germany. And promote economic and trade exchanges between the two countries.尹亮来自西安,毕业于武汉大学和华东师范大学,目前在一家媒体单位驻陕西分支机构担任部门负责人和智库分析师。他将在海德堡大学马丁•图内特博士的指导下,完成“德国媒体与智库关系研究”的项目。他希望能够了解德国相关领域现状和先进经验,为中国媒体与智库更好发展寻求路径。Yin Liang is from Xi'an, and graduated from Wuhan University and East China Normal University. Currently he is a department director and think tank analyst at Shaanxi branch of a Chinese national news unit. He will complete the project Research on the relationship between German think tanks and the media under the guidance of Dr. Martin Thunertin the University of Heidelberg. He looks forward to learning about the status quo of relevant fields and the advanced experience of Germany, and seeking a better path for the development of Chinese media and think tanks.张梦圆来自北京,香港浸会大学国际新闻硕士,目前在财新世界说担任副主编。她曾实地报道美国大选、金正男遇刺、美朝峰会等国际热点事件,关注“一带一路”倡议下中国海外投资项目在欧洲、非洲及东南亚的状况。她将在德国财经媒体《商报》的协助下,进行中国投资在德国的实地情况调查及探究未来两国产业合作前景。Graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University with M.A. in International Journalism Studies, Zhang Mengyuan (Effy) serves as the deputy chief editor of Caixin Globus, an international news media platform incubated by China’s leading financial information provider Caixin Media Group. She focuses on Chinese economic undertakings overseas under the aegis of the Belt and Road Initiative, especially in Europe and Africa. She will conduct a journalistic project themed Revelation of Chinese Investment in Germany and Prospect for Germany-China Industrial Collaboration, under the supervision of German newspaper Handelsblatt.沈莹来自江苏,于中国、德国和澳大利亚分别获得法学学士、硕士和博士学位,曾在法院、大学与律所任职,从事法学科研工作的同时,也热心与社会公益及维权相关的法律实践工作。为促进中国儿童保护法律体系的构建,她将在德国开展以儿童保护立法为主题的项目。通过研究德国反机构虐童法律体系及其在实践中的实施,该项目旨在探讨德国的立法经验能否为中国解决机构虐童问题提供范本。Shen Ying is from Jiangsu, and got her LLB, LLM and PhD in law degrees from China, Germany and Australia, respectively. She has work experience in the court, universities and law firm. While conducting legal research work, she is also enthusiastic to legal practice relating to pro bono and rights protection. To promote the establishment of legal system on child protection in China, she will carry out the project on child protection legislation in Germany. Through analyzing the German legal system combating child abuse in institutions and examining its implementation in praxis, this project aims to investigate whether Germany’s legislation experience could provide a good example for China on addressing the issue of child abuse.吴雪芹来自北京,荷兰乌特勒支大学跨国法律本科,目前从事知识产权运营工作。她希望通过人工智能实现在专利审查运营中的提速,将在德国进行以“专利产业的人工智能解决方案“为主题的研究。Wu Xueqin is from Beijing. She graduated from Universiteit Utrecht in the Netherlands with major in transnational law. Currently she works in the area of intellectual property management, and she hopes to speed up patent examination and management through artificial intelligence. Her project in Germany will focus on “AI solutions for the Patent Industry”. 夏昕鸣北京大学博士生,研究领域经济地理。她希望通过中小企业演化研究,展现中德合作基础和未来方向,将结合中国和德国的实际开展以“中小企业集群、溢出、演化机制研究:德国经验与中国启示”为主题的研究项目。 Xia Xinming, a Ph.D. candidate at Peking University, studies Economic Geography. She hopes to demonstrate the foundation and future direction of Sino-German cooperation through the study on the evolution of small and medium-sized enterprises. She will carry out a research project with the theme of The cluster, spill over and evolution of SMEs in Germany: A Comparative Study with China , which is based on the practice of China and Germany.入选者感言:令人印象深刻的遴选过程,既艰苦又兴奋。New Fellow's comments: an impressive selection process, both tough and exciting同行的候选人个个身怀绝技、禀赋卓越。与这样的伙伴们一起竞争,无论是谁心理上可能都有压力。但与此同时,能与一群这么优秀的同伴一起接受挑战,又令人倍感骄傲。The candidates are all highly skilled and talented. Anyone who participates in the selection, together with such cohort of peers, may feel stressed out. But at the same time, candidates are proud to be able to embrace challenges with the company of extremely outstanding peers.具体而言,在小组讨论环节,如何有理有利有节地展示自己,并帮助团队共同完成小组任务并获得评委认可,非常考验候选人的综合素养和协调沟通能力。在海报展示环节,考验的则是候选人的思维和图像结合的能力,特别是如何简洁表达项目要素的能力。最为关键的个人面试环节,面对来自中德两国的业界资深人士组成的评委团,不仅要求候选人拥有良好的心理素质和迅捷的临场反应能力,更需要候选者对自己的职业发展有着清晰的规划。候选人必须对自己的职业抱负、项目的现实意义有深刻的思考,并能够简单明了地进行表述。Specifically, in the group discussion session, how to demonstrate yourself in a reasonable and conducive manner, to help the team complete the group task and obtain the approval of the judges, is a test of the candidate's comprehensive literacy and coordination ability. In the poster display session, the test is the candidate's ability to combine thinking and image creation, especially how to express project elements concisely. The most crucial part of the selection meeting, is the personal interview session, when surrounded by a committee composing of industry veterans from China and Germany, not only requires candidates to have good psychological quality and quick on-the-spot response, but also requires candidates to have a clear understanding of their career plan. Candidates must have deep thoughts about their career aspirations, the practical significance of the project, and be able to express themselves in a concise way.>> 获奖者所具有的未来领袖特质 <<The fellows have the common traits of future leaders综合的能力与开阔的视野Comprehensive capacities and broad horizons在选拔的各个环节(小组讨论、个人面试、海报展示)中都更加注重候选人的综合素质,除了专业水平与跨学科的知识体系外、与领导力相关的“软实力”,如开阔的视野、人际沟通能力、自我表达能力等也是选拔的核心标准,。成功的申请者在各环节展示了过硬的专业素养、宽广的知识面、以及卓越的沟通能力和领导力潜质。获奖者通过学生时代的海外研究学习,或者工作岗位中开展国际业务、亦或是在外企或国际组织任职,都培养了自己的国际视野与对全球问题的关注。This year, all components of the Selection Meeting: group discussion, individual interviews, and poster presentations, put more emphasis on the comprehensive capacities, inter-disciplinary knowledge system and broad horizons of the applicants. Successful applicants have shown their great command of professional skills, wide knowledge, and exceptional communication skills and leadership potential. Most of them have multiple international experiences, either it be overseas study or research, the development of international business, or the employment at international organizations.关于海报About posters如果你想创作一张好的海报,你应该在海报中包含,比如:图文信息,甚至是三维的。它会让你的海报吸引眼球。另一点非常重要的是突破思维的局限,打开脑洞。If you want to create a good poster you should, for example, include pictures and texts, maybe even in 3D. It will make your poster very eye-catching. Another important thing is to think out of the box.我们来看看一些吸引人的海报Let's have a look at some examples of eye-catching posters这幅海报来自美国候选人,海报资讯量不多,但不只是有平面表达,而用了立体、镶空等设计元素,可以在短时间内吸引到观众的注意。the Here’s a poster by an applicant from the USA. The information contained in the poster is relatively limited. However, it has design elements such as 3D and hollow-out that could draw the attention from audience within a short period of time.以下这幅海波来自俄罗斯候选人,则用了社交媒体的设计元素,让观众可以具体地了解选手的计划时间表。This is a poster by a candidate from the Russian Federation. It cleverly uses the design element of social media, so as to enable the audience to understand her intended timetable of the project.还有一副示例海报来自巴西的候选人,是比较资料性的处理,利用了infographic让题目更易理解,同时亦妥善地对比了巴西与德国的议题现况。Another example is this poster by an applicant from Brazil. It uses the techniques of data comparison by way of infographic presentation so as to enable reader to approach the idea in an easier way. At the same time, it also makes a proper comparison of the issues in Brazil and Germany.联结世界才俊 奠定职业基础Linking the world's talents, laying the foundation of career入选德国总理奖学金,你将不仅有机会深入了解德国社会,还能够与来自巴西、印度、俄罗斯及美国的青年才俊一同交流学习、密切合作。这样难得的经历将为入选者的未来职业发展带来难以估量的帮助。Selected as a German Chancellor Fellow, you will not only have the opportunity to learn more about German society, but also learn and work closely with young talents from Brazil, India, Russia and the United States. Such a rare experience will bring incalculable help to the candidate's future career development.(本文部分文字内容由此次中国获奖者——黄斐女士、姚采旻女士所作,沈莹女士、张梦圆女士、尹亮先生参与修改,特此感谢!)2020-2021年的德国总理奖学金网上申请于3月15日正式开启,现在申请者们可以进入总理奖学金的官方网址www.humboldt-foundation.de/youngleaders进行网上申请,网上申请提交至今年9月15日截止。New application round for the 2020-2021 German Chancellor Fellowship is now open. Applicants may process the application on the official website. The deadline for the online application is September 15th.If you have any questions or need more information, please send questions or your CV to
[email protected] before you apply so we can advise you.如有任何问题或希望获得更多信息,请在申请前把疑问及相关履历发送至
[email protected] to connect yourself with other applicants?One simple way is to join our WeChat group. First you need to contact me by scanning the QR code below, and then introduce yourself in 3-5 English sentences. After that, I will send you the access to our WeChat group . There are many fellows in the group. They are all very warmhearted. If you have any questions, you can raise questions in the group, they will take your question seriously and answer you without reserve. In addition, I often invite the fellows to share their application experience in the group. These valuable predecessors' experience will help you get fewer detours and prepare for fellowship applications more efficiently. In 2018, besides WeChat webinar, some offline activities are also under consideration, in order to help you learn more about fellowship and better prepare for fellowship application.一个简单的方式是加入我们微信群。首先,你需要扫描下面的二维码添加小编的微信,随后发送一段3-5句话的英语自己介绍,之后,小编就会邀请你入群了。群内有很多往届的获奖者,他们都非常热心,如果你有什么问题,都可以在群中发问,他们会很认真的给予解答。此外,小编会在群中时常邀请往届获奖者来分享他们的申请经验,这些宝贵的“前辈经验”将会帮助你少走弯路,更高效地准备奖学金的申请。2018年,除了线上的分享之后,后续也在考虑举办一些线下的活动,帮助大家更多的了解奖学金,以及更好地准备申请。德国总理奖学金以德国总理名义通过久负盛名的洪堡基金会,每年从中国、美国、俄罗斯、印度、和巴西各评选10名具有未来领袖潜质的青年才俊,并授予奖学金赴德国从事一年的自选项目研究。想知道更多关于德国总理奖学金的信息?请关德国总理奖学金官方公众号!Want to know more about the German Chancellor Fellowship? Please follow the official Wechat public account.The German Chancellor Fellowship for Tomorrow's Leader资料来源:转自GermanChancellorFellowship,2019年5月13日https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/7q5wb0Uj4Df__cWNsORCgA